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The Grasslands Party

16nov8:00 pm11:59 pmThe Grasslands Party

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Event Details

Thank you for your interest in The Grasslands Party, a highly curated, invitation-only networking event designed to promote high-level conversations, meaningful connections and sacred togetherness.

As the cannabis-savvy marketing agency that has produced this event throughout the U.S. and Canada since 2017, Grasslands is proud to bring decision-making cannabis and psychedelics professionals together once again this fall—in a new venue that has more space to mix and mingle than our previous Vegas venues.

If you’ve attended past Grasslands Parties in Boston, New Orleans, Oakland, Toronto, Denver, Austin or Las Vegas, you already know that host Ricardo Baca and the Grasslands team work tirelessly to create a one-of-a-kind environment where the most influential voices in our community can forge real connections that move the industry forward—and we are thrilled to get the band back together in Vegas this year.

Though our capacity is limited, we always reserve space for new friends. If you’d like to apply for an invitation, please fill out this registration form so we can learn more about you and your work.

Applicants who are selected to attend will receive an official invitation with all the party details, including location, on or around Nov. 11, 2022. Worth noting: The venue features a large outdoor space, and we will be taking additional precautions, including screening guests in compliance with the CDC’s current recommendations.

Grasslands has a limited number of sponsorship opportunities still available; to learn more about elevating your company’s presence in front of the global executives who attend The Grasslands Party, email our Event Sponsorships team at hello@mygrasslands.com.

Together we will proudly raise money through attendee’s bar tips for the Cannabis Impact Fund, whose mission is to “promote racial justice, heal the planet and support communities in need by leveraging a conscious cannabis sector.” Download the Cannabis Impact Fund’s Anti-Racism Guide for Cannabusiness here.



November 16, 2022 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm(GMT-08:00)